Work Package 2: Conflict and Sustainability Assessment 

Marine conflicts can have many different causes, and they can develop in very different ways. In this work package, we focus on the driving forces, the articulation of conflicts, their dynamics and the importance of governance systems, institutional framework conditions, and power relations in influencing how conflict unfolds and affects sustainability outcomes.  

We are thus also concerned with the link between conflict and sustainability. Conflicts can be the result of unsustainable patterns of resource exploitation, inequitable access to resources and power differentials amongst resource users. But conflicts can also be a necessary condition for reversing unsustainable and inequitable practices and promote co-production of knowledge and dialogue that produce more sustainable development pathways, which can contribute to the realization of the UN's sustainable development goals.

This work package will provide conceptual and methodological guidelines for the case studies, and it will summarize and synthesize the most important findings from the case study regions as well as other relevant literature.


Lead partners

University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway

University of Cape Town